Economic Development

Advancing the clean tech industry

The Portland Development Commission (PDC) has teamed up with other regional economic development partners, research institutions, and industry associations to advance clean technology in the Portland region and help advanced manufacturing firms transition into the clean technology marketplace.  Funding for this section of the grant will be used to assist with research and commercialization of new technologies, strengthen mutually beneficial partnerships between research universities and private businesses, expand supply chain efforts and knowledge of the industry, and evaluate the resulting successes, challenges and opportunities.  These efforts are expected to advance the clean tech industry while also assisting advanced manufacturing firms with new market opportunities.  These two industry sectors are focal points for job creation and economic growth, and this grant is expanding efforts in both sectors for their mutual benefit.

Services to area businesses include:

  1. Technical, Business and Market analysis

Research facility, staff and students will provide analysis to six companies selected through a competitive selection process.  The companies are selected based on multiple criteria including potential impact throughout the regional clean tech marketplace.  The knowledge gained should allow these firms to capitalize on new market opportunities and advanced technical knowledge.

  1. Commercializing new technologies

Oregon BEST will administer this portion of grant funding to boost technologies trapped in the “valley of death,” a gap between traditional R&D funding and private investment funding.

  1. Industry educational opportunities

Events will educate industry professionals on opportunities in the regional clean tech economy.  Programs will involve subject matter experts, and will be incorporate pre-matching for participants and networking opportunities.

  1. Supply chain assessment

Research efforts will identify strengths and weaknesses in clean technology subsectors such as Electric Vehicles.  Some lesser-known companies will likely be identified, which may lead to partnerships in job-generating innovation.  Furthermore, the studies will increase the baseline knowledge for economic development professionals as well as local firms in the industry.  This will allow for more strategic and affective approaches to job creation and economic advancement.

To learn more about these opportunities and for help concerning eligibility and which services may be right for your business, contact PDC:

Jared Wiener

Business and Industry Representative


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